International Day for Women in Maritime was celebrated in Côte d’Ivoire on Wednesday 22 May 2024 in the auditorium of the Office of the Prime Minister. The event, held under the aegis of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), was organised by the non-political associations Wima-Côte d’Ivoire (African Women in Maritime) and WIMOWCA (Women in Maritime of West and Central Africa).

The aim of the day is to celebrate the place of women in the maritime sector, to promote the recruitment, retention and sustainable employment of women in the sector on an ongoing basis, and to raise the profile of women in order to address the current gender inequalities in the maritime sector. Nevertheless, ‘there are still significant inequalities between men and women in the maritime sector.

Admittedly, times are changing, but change must come faster. The benefits of a more diverse workforce for the sector as a whole are obvious,’ revealed Col Beda Hortense, President of WIMA-Côte d’Ivoire and WIMOWCA Focal Point.

This year’s theme is ‘No clouds on the horizon: women shaping the future of maritime safety’. Through this theme, the IMO would like to encourage women to become more involved. The ‘choice of this theme is not accidental. It reflects the reality that women are less present in this sub-sector than men. It is imperative that the presence of women in this sector be greater today”, stressed Colonel GBEI Dominique, the representative of the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Transport in charge of Maritime Affairs, Dr Serey Doh, the sponsor of this ceremony.

A panel discussion on ‘Women’s contribution to the sustainable blue economy: challenges and prospects’ and ‘Women’s involvement in the maritime industry in terms of maritime safety and security’, as well as a lecture by Ms N’DEYE Anna SOW M’BODJ, Head of the Maritime Affairs Administration Division at the West Africa Regional Maritime Security Centre (CRESMAO), ECOWAS, were also part of the celebrations.

Wima-Côte d’Ivoire (Women in Maritime) and WIMOWCA (Women in Maritime of West and Central Africa) are regional non-profit organisations. They are made up of women professionals, managers and entrepreneurs in the maritime sector, working in both the formal and informal sectors. These associations work to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment, and to establish cooperation for the development of entrepreneurship among African women in the maritime sector. They also participate in capacity-building and in raising awareness and mobilising Ivorian women in the maritime professions.

Source : DGAMP